Many of our healthcare providers are working on the frontlines to keep us safe and healthy without proper PPE (personal protective equipment) for themselves. This risks their own health, the health of their patients, and the health of their families back home. While resources are scarce we are teaming up with some great local organizations to help #flattenthecurve and sew masks for at risk members of our community. I am ramping up production with the help of my seamstress and her team.
Masks for Healthcare Providers
As some of you know I am in the process of sewing masks to be donated to local healthcare providers here in Ventura, CA. I am working with a team of 75+ seamstresses locally who are all donating their supplies, materials, and time to join this cause. Our efforts are coordinated by the Healthcare Foundation for Ventura County. These masks will be used countywide. Point of entry will be Ventura County Medical Center for dissemination which is part of the Ventura County Health Care Agency. Ventura County Health Care Agency also houses Emergency Medical Services which takes care of all medical in the region through Ventura County Public Health. Our work was recently featured in this KEYT News Article.
Masks for Grocery Employees
As you know, many of our local grocery employees are showing up for work every day so we can shop and get our necessities to quarantine from home. Due to the shortage of n95s, many of these employees must work without protection. Due to their heightened potential exposure to the virus, I am also coordinating a grassroots effort to equip our clerks with cloth mask alternatives to better protect themselves and others from exposure to coronavirus.
If you feel compelled to sponsor a healthcare professional to help offset our material and production costs and enable us to keep ramping up productions, please follow the link below.
We have also made a 2 free tutorials and patterns so you can join the cause and begin to sew masks for your friends and family in your own communities.